Frequently Asked Questions

Your Questions Answered.

Please find answers to many of the common questions that our team are asked. If you still have any questions or concerns, please contact us.

Also, don’t forget to explore our comprehensive Mental Health Resources section, with plenty of literature suggestions and website links to explore.

If you’re struggling with a situation, overthinking things, or simply feeling low, chances are a psychologist can help. White coats and leather chairs aren’t part of our job description. We help everyday people with everyday problems.

Yes. Most private health funds have now shifted to support online psychological services. Contact your provider directly to confirm your eligibility.

Yes. Anyone may attend an appointment without a referral. That said, most Australians are eligible to access a Mental Health Care Plan, which provides up to ten rebates per calendar year that covers a large portion of the appointment fee.

Visit your GP to explain your difficulties and ask for a Mental Health Care Plan. The GP will issue a referral and plan, which you can then use to subsidise your appointments. We process and return rebates on the spot so that you don’t need to attend a Medicare office after the appointment.

Yes. We are registered with all major health insurance provides and have onsite HICAPS facilities to process your rebate. Contact your health fund beforehand if you would like to know the amount that will be rebated.

Yes. We work with self-managed and third-party plan managed NDIS funds. If your funding is agency-managed, you may contact the NDIA to arrange a portion to be allocated to self- or plan-managed for the purposes of psychological services.

No. Our fees are significantly lower than the rate recommended by the Australian Psychological Society (APS) to ensure that services are accessible. If you are unable to afford a gap, we can direct you to an alternate bulk-billing service.

Bring any relevant reports or referral information, your Medicare or private health card, and a copy of your Mental Health Care Plan if you have one.

If you are an adult, you may attend alone or with a support person. If the appointment is for a teenager, we ask that a parent or guardian attend the initial appointment as well. If the appointment is for a child 12 or under, we encourage parents to attend alone so that we may talk openly about their concerns.

The first appointment is a chance to meet your psychologist and tell your story. There’s no rush, we go at your pace. It’s also an opportunity for us to set goals together and create a clear plan to achieve them.

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