Our Tips To Study Effectively

It's something that most of us go through as part of our education - the good old School or Uni exam. It's perfectly natural for these exams to be causing a level of stress and anxiety.

An essential part of managing stress and achieving the best result is setting up an effective study routine. Here are some tips that should help get you through:

  • Minimise the time you spend procrastinating and studying inefficiently.
  • Study in the most effective ways possible.
  • Spend the most time on the most important material.
  • Manage your health and stress levels.

Ok, but how?!

Create a dedicated a study space.
Wherever your space is, make sure it’s free from distractions so you won’t be disturbed. Make sure that other members of the family know that where you are in this space you are not to be distracted. Libraries can make for great study spaces. This will have you set up for a flying start.

Turn off screens.
To switch on to study, switch off those screens. Use aeroplane mode (or just leave your phone in another room, it will still be there for later when you take a well-deserved break). If you need to use your devices as part of your study make sure that Email and Social Aps have the notifications turned off.

Get organised.
Know what exams you’ve got, know when they are, and know what you need to study to prepare. Having notes and folders can help keep you organised and up to date so you can save time when you sit down to study. WIth multiple exams make sure you balance your focus between all of them.

Switch on and switch off.
Switch on to study. Then take a break and switch off. Some study experts recommend 20 min on, then 5 or so min off… and repeat. Everyone is different so learn how long your can go before you find your mind wandering.

Take those breaks to clear your head and recharge. This helps consolidate all that learning too.

Make healthy choice.
Stay active – do a free online workout or get outdoors and do something physical to give yourself a break and get the blood flowing and boost your mood. Make sure you get enough sleep to give your brain a rest and allow you to recharge. Eating well and staying hydrated will help to improve your mood, boost your energy levels and support your general health.

Practice makes perfect.
Like any activity, you get better with practice. Go gentle on yourself and learn from previous study experiences and slip-ups. Try setting yourself goals, and when you meet those goals, reward yourself.

Remember that you are still in control of your path, and there are lots of different pathways to study and work.

Better Self Psychology specialises in helping children, teenagers, and young adults.

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